// Action script... // [Action in Frame 1] _root.txtF = new TextFormat(); _root.txtF.bold = 0; _root.txtF.font = "Arial"; _root.clrs = [0, "00", "40", "80", "c4", "ff"]; lv_0 = new LoadVars(); lv_1 = new LoadVars(); lv_1.onLoad = function (ok) { if (ok) { if (lv_1.o == "1" && lv_1.d.length && lv_1.b.length >= 3) { bb = lv_1.b; if (bb.length == 3) { mC = new Color(_root.z.bg); mCT = {ra: int(bb.substr(0, 1)) * 25 - 25, ga: int(bb.substr(1, 1)) * 25 - 25, ba: int(bb.substr(2, 1)) * 25 - 25}; mC.setTransform(mCT); } else if (bb.length > 4) { if (!_root.loc) { _root.z.bg.pic.loadMovie(_root.server + "pics/" + bb); } else { _root.z.bg.pic.loadMovie(bb); } // end if } // end if _root.d0 = lv_1.d; _root.z.drw(); gotoAndStop(2); } else { trace("error1"); } // end if } else { trace("error"); } // end if }; if (!_root.loc) { if (_root.i.length == 6 || _root.i.length == 12) { lv_0.o = _root.i; lv_0.sendAndLoad(_root.server + "get.php", lv_1, "post"); } // end if } else { lv_0.sendAndLoad(_root.ty + _root.nn + ".dat", lv_1, "post"); } // end if quality.onPress = function () { this.gotoAndStop(this._currentframe == 1 ? (2) : (1)); }; C_play.onPress = function () { if (_currentframe != 25) { cur_frame = _currentframe; trace(cur_frame); play_.gotoAndStop(2); tip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(25); } else { play_.gotoAndStop(1); tip.gotoAndStop(2); if (kk >= ll) { trace("clear"); for (v in _root.z.pp) { removeMovieClip(_root.z.pp[v]); } // end of for...in gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndStop(cur_frame); } // end if } // end if }; C_play.onRollOver = function () { tip.gotoAndStop(play_._currentframe == 1 ? (2) : (1)); startDrag(tip, true); tip.z(); }; C_play.onRollOut = function () { stopDrag(); tip._x = -300; }; C_play.onReleaseOutside = function () { stopDrag(); tip._x = -300; }; C_stop.onRelease = function () { for (v in _root.z.pp) { removeMovieClip(_root.z.pp[v]); } // end of for...in cur_frame = 2; play_.gotoAndStop(2); gotoAndStop(25); }; C_stop.onRollOver = function () { tip.gotoAndStop(3); startDrag(tip, true); tip.z(); }; C_stop.onRollOut = function () { stopDrag(); tip._x = -300; }; C_stop.onReleaseOutside = function () { stopDrag(); tip._x = -300; }; _root.spd = 4; for (v in eval(vv = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16])) { this["sp" + vv[v]].n = vv[v]; this["sp" + vv[v]].onPress = function () { if (sp_last != this) { sp_last.gotoAndStop(2); sp_last = this; this.gotoAndStop(1); _root.spd = this.n; } // end if }; if (vv[v] != _root.spd) { this["sp" + vv[v]].gotoAndStop(2); } else { sp_last = this["sp" + vv[v]]; } // end if } // end of for...in lnkB.onPress = function () { getURL("http://fcmx.net/vec/", "_blank"); }; stop(); // [Action in Frame 2] ff_1 = function () { cs1 = mbord(t.substr(1, 1)) - 1; cs2 = String(mbord(t.substr(2, 1))); cs2 = "0x" + _root.clrs[cs2.substr(0, 1)] + _root.clrs[cs2.substr(1, 1)] + _root.clrs[cs2.substr(2, 1)]; cs3 = t.substr(3, 1); if (cs3 != "0") { cs3 = String(mbord(cs3)); cs3 = "0x" + _root.clrs[cs3.substr(0, 1)] + _root.clrs[cs3.substr(1, 1)] + _root.clrs[cs3.substr(2, 1)]; fill = 1; } else { fill = 0; } // end if }; ff_2 = function () { _root.z.pp.createEmptyMovieClip("p_" + _root.fc, _root.fc); P = _root.z.pp["p_" + _root.fc]; P.lineStyle(cs1, cs2, 100); if (fill) { P.beginFill(cs3, 100); } // end if trace("= " + mbord(t.substr(1, 1)) + ", " + mbord(t.substr(2, 1))); P.moveTo(mbord(t.substr(1, 1)), mbord(t.substr(2, 1))); for (k = 3; k < t.length; k = k + 2) { P.lineTo(mbord(t.substr(k, 1)), mbord(t.substr(k + 1, 1))); } // end of for if (fill) { P.endFill(); } // end if _root.fc++; }; ff_3 = function () { _root.z.pp.createEmptyMovieClip("p_" + _root.fc, _root.fc); P = _root.z.pp["p_" + _root.fc]; P.lineStyle(cs1, cs2, 100); if (fill) { P.beginFill(cs3, 100); } // end if P.moveTo(mbord(t.substr(1, 1)), mbord(t.substr(2, 1))); for (k = 3; k < t.length; k = k + 4) { P.curveTo(mbord(t.substr(k, 1)), mbord(t.substr(k + 1, 1)), mbord(t.substr(k + 2, 1)), mbord(t.substr(k + 3, 1))); } // end of for if (fill) { P.endFill(); } // end if _root.fc++; }; ff_4 = function () { tt = t.split("\x2"); if (tt.length == 2 && tt[0].length == 6) { _root.z.pp.createEmptyMovieClip("p_" + _root.fc, _root.fc); P = _root.z.pp["p_" + _root.fc]; xx = mbord(tt[0].substr(1, 1)); yy = mbord(tt[0].substr(2, 1)); ww = mbord(tt[0].substr(3, 1)) - 100; hh = mbord(tt[0].substr(4, 1)) - 100; P.createTextField("t", 1, xx, yy, ww, hh); _root.txtF.size = mbord(tt[0].substr(5, 1)) - 100; P.t.text = tt[1]; P.t.textColor = cs2; P.t.selectable = 0; if (fill) { P.t.background = 1; P.t.backgroundColor = cs3; } // end if P.t.wordWrap = 1; P.t.multiline = 1; P.t.setTextFormat(_root.txtF); _root.fc++; } // end if }; _root.fc = 1; _root.d1 = _root.d0.split("\x1"); ll = _root.d1.length; kk = 0; gotoAndStop(3); // [Action in Frame 3] t = _root.d1[kk]; gotoAndPlay("L_" + t.substr(0, 1)); kk++; // [Action in Frame 4] stat.f._width = int(100 * (kk / ll)); ss = stat.f._width + "%"; if (kk < ll) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { play_.gotoAndStop(2); gotoAndStop(25); } // end if // [Action in Frame 6] cs1 = mbord(t.substr(1, 1)) - 1; cs2 = String(mbord(t.substr(2, 1))); cs2 = "0x" + _root.clrs[cs2.substr(0, 1)] + _root.clrs[cs2.substr(1, 1)] + _root.clrs[cs2.substr(2, 1)]; cs3 = t.substr(3, 1); if (cs3 != "0") { cs3 = String(mbord(cs3)); cs3 = "0x" + _root.clrs[cs3.substr(0, 1)] + _root.clrs[cs3.substr(1, 1)] + _root.clrs[cs3.substr(2, 1)]; fill = 1; } else { fill = 0; } // end if gotoAndStop(4); // [Action in Frame 10] _root.z.pp.createEmptyMovieClip("p_" + _root.fc, _root.fc); P = _root.z.pp["p_" + _root.fc]; P.lineStyle(cs1, cs2, 100); fk = 3; fl = t.length; P.moveTo(mbord(t.substr(1, 1)), mbord(t.substr(2, 1))); _root.fc++; play(); // [Action in Frame 11] for (z = 1; z <= _root.spd; z++) { if (fk < fl) { P.lineTo(mbord(t.substr(fk, 1)), mbord(t.substr(fk + 1, 1))); fk = fk + 2; continue; } // end if break; } // end of for if (fk < fl) { play(); } else { if (fill) { P.clear(); P.lineStyle(cs1, cs2, 100); P.beginFill(cs3, 100); P.moveTo(mbord(t.substr(1, 1)), mbord(t.substr(2, 1))); for (fk = 3; fk < fl; fk = fk + 2) { P.lineTo(mbord(t.substr(fk, 1)), mbord(t.substr(fk + 1, 1))); } // end of for P.endFill(); } // end if gotoAndStop(4); } // end if // [Action in Frame 12] prevFrame(); // [Action in Frame 16] _root.z.pp.createEmptyMovieClip("p_" + _root.fc, _root.fc); P = _root.z.pp["p_" + _root.fc]; P.lineStyle(cs1, cs2, 100); fk = 3; fl = t.length; P.moveTo(mbord(t.substr(1, 1)), mbord(t.substr(2, 1))); _root.fc++; play(); // [Action in Frame 17] for (z = 1; z <= _root.spd; z++) { if (fk < fl) { P.curveTo(mbord(t.substr(fk, 1)), mbord(t.substr(fk + 1, 1)), mbord(t.substr(fk + 2, 1)), mbord(t.substr(fk + 3, 1))); fk = fk + 4; continue; } // end if break; } // end of for if (fk < fl) { play(); } else { if (fill) { P.clear(); P.lineStyle(cs1, cs2, 100); P.beginFill(cs3, 100); P.moveTo(mbord(t.substr(1, 1)), mbord(t.substr(2, 1))); for (fk = 3; fk < fl; fk = fk + 4) { P.curveTo(mbord(t.substr(fk, 1)), mbord(t.substr(fk + 1, 1)), mbord(t.substr(fk + 2, 1)), mbord(t.substr(fk + 3, 1))); } // end of for P.endFill(); } // end if gotoAndStop(4); } // end if // [Action in Frame 18] prevFrame(); // [Action in Frame 21] tt = t.split("\x2"); if (tt.length == 2 && tt[0].length == 6) { _root.z.pp.createEmptyMovieClip("p_" + _root.fc, _root.fc); P = _root.z.pp["p_" + _root.fc]; xx = mbord(tt[0].substr(1, 1)); yy = mbord(tt[0].substr(2, 1)); ww = mbord(tt[0].substr(3, 1)) - 100; hh = mbord(tt[0].substr(4, 1)) - 100; P.createTextField("t", 1, xx, yy, ww, hh); _root.txtF.size = mbord(tt[0].substr(5, 1)) - 100; P.t.text = tt[1]; P.t.textColor = cs2; P.t.selectable = 0; if (fill) { P.t.background = 1; P.t.backgroundColor = cs3; } // end if P.t.wordWrap = 1; P.t.multiline = 1; P.t.setTextFormat(_root.txtF); _root.fc++; } else { trace("format erreor = \"text\""); } // end if gotoAndStop(4);